You'll see some changes happening to ...and a little wine... in the next few days. See the links floating up there in the header? I've been reading other
blogs with a more critical eye on layout in the last few weeks, and I'm
adjusting my own approach accordingly.
I've moved and revised some of the "about" me information, as well as added some info about my willingness to review books for publishers and authors (that layout was largely stolen from other book bloggers I admire, like Rebecca Joines Schinsky and Word Lily, so I hope I haven't violated any best practice-esque netiquette).
I'm still in search of a good "Related Posts" widget. I've got a text-based one that would work fine, but I'd really like to find one that functions with thumbnails. I have faith that Google will provide. I'm also in the market for a Blogger compatible email submission form, and a Ways to Follow widget. I think I've got the chops to code my own Ways to Follow- I may work on that this afternoon.
Thanks for reading, and for hanging with me through the renovation.